Merino Wall Panels

Choosing Best Panelling for your Home and Office Spaces

Merino Laminates, December 15, 2023

Panelling is a solution used in structural and interior design to enhance the appearance of walls, doors, and furniture. It is one of the easiest and most economical ways in which the décor of your settings can be elevated to achieve the desired ambience- be it at home or in an office space. Wall panelling and furniture help to conceal unappealing flaws in the texture and design on them, such as uneven surfaces, or visible wiring and thereby help to attain a clean, neat, and aesthetic look.

With a remarkable collection of Panels available in a host of finishes and styles, Merino assists you in your journey to making your home and office spaces an unforgettable experience.

What Is Wall Panelling?

Wall panelling is not just a design choice; it’s a statement that transforms your living and working spaces. From classic elegance to modern chic, wall panelling offers a versatile canvas for your creativity. Combining aesthetics and functionality, it elevates the ambience of any room.

Conventionally used to build insulation between walls and living spaces, Wall Panelling has now also become the most popular way to spruce up your interiors. Wall panelling sheets are chosen over other alternatives because they also tend to come at a cheaper price. Choosing the right kind of panel for your walls is an important task when designing your interiors. While choosing panels, note the longevity, endurance, and maintenance requirements of the materials chosen to avoid distress later.

How to Install Wall Panelling?

While DIY is an option for brave souls, professional installation ensures a flawless finish and optimal durability. Merino’s expert partners can transform your space with minimal fuss, leaving you to sit back and revel in the stunning results.

Panelling of furniture, used in both residential and commercial spaces has also now become a common practice. Just as in the case of walls, panelling can improve the visual appeal of your furniture, in addition to hiding unpleasant structural features. At home, you may want to use panels in your modular kitchens, doors, and different furniture in your living spaces to give them an immaculate feel. In an office space, the use of panels is multi fold, such as in cubicles, desks, and doors.

Wall Panelling Design Ideas For Home and Office

While choosing panels for your home and office space, select appropriate panelling for each setting. In surfaces where you desire a high aesthetic appeal, you may choose to go for panelling that exhibits high gloss.

It is imperative to also look for features such as resistance to abrasion and scratching, antibacterial and anti fungal properties while opting for such panelling. In other areas, you may prefer a matte, more smooth finish. Depending on where you want to use such panelling, properties such as impact resistance and heat resistance should also be sought after.

Home Interiors

  • Accentuate your living room

Create a cosy fireplace surround or an eye catching feature wall behind your TV.

  • Elevate your dining space

Add warmth and drama with panelling on one wall or the ceiling.

  • Bedroom bliss

Craft a tranquil oasis with calming wood tones or soothing stone textures.

  • Kitchen cool

Add personality to your kitchen with patterned backsplashes or stylish panelling around your breakfast bar.

Office Envy

  • Inspire productivity

Set the tone for creativity and collaboration with bold geometric patterns or sophisticated wood accents.

  • Impress your clients

Make a lasting impression with a statement wall in the reception area or conference room.

  • Zone out distractions

Create dedicated workspaces with panelling for focus and improved acoustics.

Choose Merino Living Room Decorative Wall Panels

Merino presents Gloss Meister and Matte Meister ideal for use in both these unique requirements. Combining all the qualities essential for such panelling, they also come in several colors. You may prefer to use a Gloss Meister to enhance the visual appeal of your kitchen surfaces and living areas. Matte Meister, being impact resistant and fingerprint resistant has both vertical and horizontal applications.

Available in an extensive variety of designs, colors and textures, Post Laminated Panels may just be the most versatile type of panelling out there. It has varied applications and can make any surface look striking.

Whether it is for use in workspaces where you want modular office systems, for computer stations- at home or for commercial use, kitchen cabinet doors, other storage cabinet doors, or tables- you name it and Post Laminate Panels may just be applied anywhere you need them. These panels are a ready to use solution for all your furniture needs and are great in quality. The best part about them is that they are tremendously easy to fabricate and will save you a lot of time.

A brand that enjoys global recognition in the panels industry, Merino helps you choose the best panelling for your home and office spaces. If your walls and furniture could talk, they would tell happy stories with such spectacular panelling.



Q. Can you do panelling on just one wall?


Yes, you can. Wall panelling can be a stunning focal point on a single wall, adding drama and interest to the space.


Q. Which wall panelling is best?


The best wall panelling depends on your style preferences, budget, and the room’s purpose. Merino Laminates offer a wide range to suit diverse tastes.


Q. Is wall panelling safe?


Yes, when installed correctly, wall panelling is safe. To ensure optimal safety, follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and ensure proper installation.


Q. Is panelling easy to do?


With the right guidance and tools, wall panelling can be a manageable DIY project. Our installation guide simplifies the process for you.


Q. Is wood panelling expensive?


While wood panelling can be more expensive upfront, its durability and timeless appeal make it a worthwhile investment. Merino offers cost effective alternatives without compromising on quality.

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